Important hint. Don't hold the PS button
down. It overrides all the safeties
in the ps - I'm something of an expert in ATX power supply meltdowns. I'm
It does _what_?!!!
The old mechanical circuit breakers were very cearefully designed so that
it was impossible to hold them closed. And every PSU control system I
have ever seen (electromechanical or electronic) has essentially the same
safeguard - the manual control can't override a safety trip. It's common
Well, I fried two power supplies by getting the connector for my 3.5 inch drive
off by one pin which apparently grounds the 12 volt circuit. If you hold the
button down for more than about 3 seconds, the wire melts and you get a flash
of light and copious quantities of smoke out of hte power supply. For
reference, the fuse in my fried PS was intact. I had another one that stopped
responding to the power-on switch, another that slowly began to emit a stench
like burning diesel fuel. I HATE ATX.
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?