Check out Lindsay's Techical Books for a *modern*
re-print and other fine books :)
I do love the comment on the title page which says something like 'for
engineers, mad scientists.. and very few normal people' :-)
In the UK, look at Camden Miniature Steam Services. They sell Lindsay
books, along with other reprints of old books, etc. Much of their stock
(As the company name implies) is aimed at the model engineering crowd --
people who make small steam locomotives, etc. But there's plenty there to
interest eccentrics like me too.
The only complaint I have ever heard about Camden's is that if you order
a book from them they send you their current booklist (catalogue). And
you are sure to find 10 more books you want. They will end up bankrupting
you :-). Seriosuly, they're a great company to deal with, they send the
right books almost all the time, and when they did once make a mistake
and sent me the wrong book (same title, different author), they put it
right very quickly and without fuss.
Dave Gingery has a set of books of how to build a
metal working shop
from scratch. Book #3 is the metal shaper for gear cutting, after
you read and construct from book #1 The charoal foundry , and book #2
The metal lathe.
I've never read that series, but I've read plenty of other books by Dave
and VInce Gingery. They're excellent. Very clearly written, and you get
the impression that they've done the stuff described in the book, and you
can do it too.