On 08/29/2013 11:21 AM, Tony Duell wrote:
digits and 64
bit/(16 hex digits), the latter having 48-bit addresses.
hex and octal to bianry are almost as easy to do in your head. I find it
takes longer to enter the digits on the clacualtor and read the display
tan to do it with wetware. But it takes me rather longer to convert hex
<-> octal, I'm afraid...
Well, in my case, it was on a bit-addressable machine expressed as hex.
So taking a bit address, adding a byte, word or halfword (3, 6 or 5
bit implied shift) index and propagating the carries to 48 bits was a
bit more than I was prepared to do mentally, particularly at the end of
a 6 hour session in a noisy machine room.