On 12/11/2010 4:06 PM, Alexandre Souza - Listas wrote:
Tony Duell, the master of HP, said:
My experience of releasing source code for
classic computer-related
things is that the market is so small that nobody is going to make them
commerically anyway. And I would much rathers others could see the
sources, make changes, improve it, make other simialr devivces, etc.
I have a thinking about this:
- Release everything and sell the product. Because who KNOWS how to
do, will do it with or without the sources. Who DOESN'T KNOW how to
do, will not do even with the sources.
It always worked for me.
Enviado do meu Motorola PT550
I think you and Tony are in vehemently agreement.
I will attest it works splendidly in this type of market:
* Pricing a product competitively guarantees people won't bother
building it.
* The size of the market dissuades competitors
* If something should happen to your business, another one can pull
the source, and create more for interested individuals. No
orphanware or other issues to worry about.
* People are more interested in funding improvements to the device
via "Kickstarter"-like programs when it's freely released.
On that last item, though not terribly high on the list of improvements
to the sd2iec firmware, enough folks wanted GEOS support to pledge over
$1000.00 to CommodoreBounty for support. It was finished a month back.
I doubt they would have done so if the source would have been locked
away after the funds were paid.
Jim Brain, Brain Innovations
brain at
www.jbrain.net (eStore)