THanks Stan. If Al isn't interested in scanning
(which I'd be surprised if
he wasn't) I will.
Now my drive's power supply has collapsed while I was programming the
first instructions on the hpib bus :-(
I could use a schematic of the power supply......
Lee Courtney
MontaVista Software
1237 East Arques Avenue
Sunnyvale, California 94085
(408) 328-9238 voice
(408) 328-9204 fax
Yahoo IM: charlesleecourtney
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stan Sieler [mailto:sieler at]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 5:19 PM
>To: Lee Courtney; General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only
>Subject: RE: HP 7978 9-track tape drive - docs?
>>Don't have the docs, but would be very interested in a set.
>Also have a 7978
>>I'd like to understand self-test codes for.
>>If someone should have docs please reply on list.
>I'll bring the diag/docs manual I've got to VCF, to
>loan it to Al, if he's interested in it.
>Stan Sieler
>sieler at