Hello all,
I have found a AT&T 6310 PC box. Can anyone tell me anything about it? Is it
10 years
old, yet? It is heavy enough I'd thought it had a large linear supply in it,
but only a switcher ps! It was made in Italy by Olivetti, as mentioned on
the 6300 thread.
Opening the top reveals a AT type passive motherboard- the CPU, etc. is
apparently on another one in another compartment below it, which I haven't
gotten to yet.
All the cards are 8 bits, except a Mouse Systems serial card which extends about
1/3 way into the "16 bit extension". There is another 2 port serial card and
also a
MIcrosoft Inport card with a mini-DIN connector. There is also a serial and
printer port on the "hidden" CPU card, both DB-25, and a DB-9 connector for
the keyboard.
There is a volume control on the front, but haven't found the speaker, either.