There were few articles in european "elektor" about a computer build
completely out of 74xxx. Was beginning of the 70's, and was called
(?) the 74-computer.
Would love to see this articles again ...
That design was somewhat strange, it used no clock, but relied on
handshaking for its timing.
It was also very inefficient in its hardware usage, using scores of
74181`for hardware multiply and divide.
It had a choice of shiftregisters or 2102 as main memory.
No PCB were produced. It was not for the fainthearded....
Jos Dreese
181's were priced at $3.75 in 1979, But micros were coming on strong
and wiped the
home brew ttl micros aside. I know. I built a ttl 181 / 189 based cpu
and junked it for
the altair.
Jim Davis,.