I have no liking of Apple products :
I regard them as being difficult to do anything useful with (my esperience
is that they make easy jobs trivial and diffiuclt jobs impossible).
I find that hard to believe. These beasties run Unix, you can script
almost anything. Even the GUI is scriptable. I prefer OS X or Linux
over the evil OS from Redmond.
Or are you talking about pre-OS X?
I don't like the fact that early Mac OSs
didn't have any form of command
I absolutely agree with that.
I find the 'gesture based' user interface of some modern Apple products
to be very clumsy.
I've no problems with using two fingers to signify right click, or to
scroll, or pinch/zoom. They're easy to get used to. Though at home I
prefer trackballs mostly because I use good Kensignton ones, and I'm
very used to those. The tactile feedback is better than that of a trackpad.
I don't like the way Apple ties you in to their
products, software, etc.
If I buy a computer, it's mine, to do what I like with and to run
whatever programs I like on.
Absolutely agree with that.
I don't like the way they make things
hacker-unfriendly -- hard to open
cases, no expansion slots, no proper documetnion, etc.
Add proprietary screws, irreplaceable batteries, having to use a heat
gun and suction cup to remove screens.