Sorry for late reply...
Mine were wired as follows:
pin function
1 +5V
6 (PB0) Middle button
8 (PB1) Left button
10 (PB2) Right button
14 (PB4) Y1
16 (PB5) Y2
18 (PB6) X1
19 GND
20 (PB7) X2
Whereas the typical pinout for mice on a beeb seems to be one of:
pin Variant A Variant B
1 +5V +5V
2 (CB1) X1 X1
4 (CB2) Y1 Y1
6 (PB0) X2 Left
8 (PB1) -- Middle
10 (PB2) Y2 Right
12 (PB3) -- X2
14 (PB4) -- Y2
16 (PB5) Left --
18 (PB6) Middle --
20 (PB7) Right --
Putting one of the X signals and one of the Y signals the CB lines makes
sense, since IIRC you can generate an interrupt from those lines. Then
the mouse driver can resposd to that interrupt by seeing which axis
changed state and what the state of the other signal on that axis is (to
determine direaction.
IIRC, there's nothing special about lines PB4 or PB5, you can't use them
as inputs to counters, or the shift register, or as interrupt lines, or..
Which seems to indciate that _if_ yuor mouse was designed to plug into a
Beeb user port, then the drier had to poll the user port often enough to
detect changes on these lines. Hmmm...
Yep, mine's the same... I'd originally assumed
it was for an ACW (as according
to folklore their optional mouse was a P+G) but I'm not sure what the standard
mouse port was for an ACW with the mouse board (I've got an ACW here with the
mouse board fitted, but with no wiring to any socket on the rear panel) - I
should have a look at the service manual and your reverse-engineered data
sometime to see if that gives any clues...
Unfortunately my ACW doesn't have mouse board at all, so my diagrams
can't cover it. The serivce manual has not real technical info on the
mouse at all, it's a boardswapper guide for that section (but has
component-level repair info for the I/O processor (BBC B+ board), 32016
board and monitor. I thought the mouse interface was an Acorn design, so
it's odd the schematic isn't included.
I thinkl I read somewhere that the ACW mouse plugs into a DE9 connector
on the back, which is then linked to the mouse interface PCB, which in
turn plugs into the 1MHz bus (I think physically it's in the same side
tray has the hard disk interface boards). I _asusme_ the signals on that
DE9 are +5V, ground, 2 pairs of quadrature signals and 3 button signals.