Too funny. Well, at the time I didn't know the value of an old machine. We
used them in the stores for the SOS system (after they decommissioned the
Model III's) and before they moved to Xenix on Tandy 3000's with multiple
serial ports. The machines behind the counter were neutered 1000TL machines.
Definitely home grown system like the others. I remember going from store to
store in Nassau County helping the more clueless store managers setup and
install the system. It literally came out of Fort Worth as a kit of boxes
based on the store size. Xenix was delivered on a DC-60 (or DC-100) tape and
you booted a floppy and, I would guess, mount and dd the files to the HD.
On 5/23/07 9:23 PM, "Chris M" <chrism3667 at> wrote:
--- "Richard A. Cini" <rcini at> wrote:
I worked for them for 5-years during that period
(1984-89), and I do have a
heart. No dumpster, just trade or $$$ for a good
So then why didn't you buy one during their big
sell-off? Somehow, I was out of the loop at that
particular period, and missed it. BNITB T2K's were
going for $200.
It was too long before it that the Computer Center
salesmen, one of which was in Bayshore right on
Sunrise Hwy., stopped calling them "50% compatibles",
and reverted to the phrase "10% compatible". Heck they
weren't even that!
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Rich Cini
Collector of Classic Computers
Build Master and lead engineer, Altair32 Emulator