I recieved the following email this morning from a fellow who
used to run a company supporting DEC equipment. He is located
in the Boston area and has always treated me right. Please
contact him if you are interested...
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 14:14:04 -0400
From: "Joe Moir" <ppsjm at verizon.net>
Subject: VAX 11/780
To: "'Tom Uban'" <uban at ubanproductions.com>
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How are you doing.
We just came across a VAX 11/780 with expansion cabinet. It is deep in an old
warehouse wrapped up in shrink wrap.
At this point, we don?t think it is worth our time to pull it out of the warehouse,
load it on our truck, and bring it back to our building.
If we could cover the labor to pull it out, plus maybe make a few hunded bucks we?d
consider it.
Are you, or would you know anyone that is interested??
I?ve been out of touch with the vintage DEC buyers lately. I wanted to run it by you
just in case you knew of anyone that was searching for such an item.
I probably need to know within a week.
The building that this item is in is going to be cleaned out and everything inside is
to be scrapped.
Thanks very much, Joe
Joe Moir
Peripheral Parts Support
293 Second Ave
Waltham Ma 02451
781-895-4892 p
781-895-4893 f