The Mega ST's had the Mega Drives which were pizza box ASCI drives that
stacked ontop of the Mega's, the initial HD's for the ST in general were the
Atari SH204's and HD's by companies like Supra and ICD, Inc. There are
now several IDE adapters that can work in nearly all of the ST's,
Wizztronics sells them as well as Best Electronics too. ICD had a
dongle called "The Link" that added the additional circuitry that Atari was
too cheap to include on its ASCI port to turn it into a full blown SCSI
port. The Mega STE's shipped with internal HD's and then later versions
of the 1040ST called the 1040STE had internal HD's too.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Hellige" <jhellige(a)>
To: <cctalk(a)>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: Atari ST (was: Re: VERY good weekend)
>1040ST's were some of the most widely built
version of the ST's, they
>most often in swap meets and on Ebay and usually
you can get a nice setup
>with monitor for anywhere from $20-$30 on Ebay. The 1040ST's also have
>deeper case design and lots of room for the many
expansions both
>and homebrew that are available, several include
the 1.44mb floppy
>IDE hd, cpu upgrade and memory upgrade. There
are also a few new
>upgrades like the ASCI to ISA bus that allows you
to use standard NE2000
>network cards and hook your ST up to the Internet, CAB 2.7 and another
>browsers are available and there are multiple
email, realplayer
>PDF reader compatible, newsgroup utils available
to totally equip your ST
>for Internet use. I would highly Papyrus word processor, it is
>Also look into using MiNT and the replacement
desktops.... especially
which has a
cross Mac/Win9x look and feel...
Weren't internal options, such as hard disks, made for the
the Mega by 3rd party developers or was that only for the MegaSTE?
I've always wanted to expand my Mega above the standard SH204 hard
disk and SM124 monitor but never got around to buying anything other
than TOS 1.04 from Toad before they exited the Atari market. If
nothing else, one of the ICD interfaces might be cool.
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