--- William Donzelli <wdonzelli at gmail.com> wrote:
Both places
have noise problems. On the web
forums it is generally a 'less
professional' audience
That is an interesting use of the word
"professional". I find the
members of this list extremely non-professional in
their list conduct,
and yes, it all comes down to the noise level. The
are way too many
people here that like to post off topic threads, o
steer threads very
off topic. Sure, a little happens - even I have do
my bit - but not
stretching out OT threads for days at a time, with
dozens of messages.
people on this list
are by far the worst offenders for disregarding li
charters and
rules. Very little self control, and too lazy to
post off topic
questions on the myriad of other lists that are
online. Why is this?
Also, does it not bother these people
that obviously the
whole OT issue has been brought up before, and
generates flames and
anger for many list members?
All you had to do was say a line or two, but no
you had to write several paragraphs rambling
Also, the main point of me posting, this IS
CCtalk, that is designed to cover *on topic*
AND *off topic* posts, so why all this fuss.
If you wanted *on topic* posts ONLY then why
didn't you sign up for CCtech, which only
deals with *on topic* posts.
If his reply was to cctech and was sent to us
cctalk members, then I apologise. If that was
the case then perhaps cctech members should
be asked (or nudged) onto the cctalk list?
Andrew B
aliensrcooluk at yahoo.co.uk