You may have
noticed that I have been absent for a while. The reason is
that my home internet access is down, due to problems at the ISP end
(I think). I am reading this in an internet cafe...
Hope your internet connection is restored soon!
Some chance... It's now been nearly 3 weeks. Demon do not seem to be
very helpful or clueful about this :-(
Picked up a very dirty but nearly entirely
functional HP 9810A recently,
with 9865ACassette Memory drive. While I wait for parts to repair the
9810's mag card reader and printer to arrive, I've been working on
cleaning up the9865A.
Are you a member of HPCC? The reason I ask is that I wrote a
series of
articles for the HPCC magazine on repairing this series of machines, and you
might find them interesting. I would offer to send them to you, but of course
there's no real way to transfer them at the moment.
I'm not, but I suppose at this point I probably should be :). I'd be
Well, the club _officially_ covers the handheld HP calculators (from the original 35
onwards), but there is significant interest in other related machines like HP
interested in seeing your articles. I've found a
couple of things
I will see what I can do...
attributed to you on repairing the printer and the
card reader, and I'll
be attempting repair of the printer as soon as the cold-shrink tubing I
ordered arrives. (Platen is basically tar at this point.)
I do explain this repair in the articles. There are a lot of little bits to
remove and refit....
It is almost working (and the few rubber parts in
it seem to be good) --
I would strongly recomend replacing the 2 'tyres' on
the drive wheels. They're
size 119 O-rings IIRC, and are not hard to get.
Good to know. The ones that are in there seem to be in good shape,
they're still pretty rubbery and aren't degrading into goo like
everything in the 9810 did. But I'll need to replace them at some
point, I'm sure.
That's a fairly easy repair, at least once the drive is apart...
I assume the solenoid isn't burnt out ...
I will definitely be checking that. I need to trace the wires back to
where they connect to the logic board first.
On the 9830, the tape drive has 4 little 'plugs' (PCBs with pins), one for the
one for the optosensor, one for the solenoids/microswitches and one for the
preamp PCB. The 9865 may be different. In any case, tracing 2 wires can't
be hard :-)
If there is 09864-66564 PCB in there, the the solenoids are connected between
pins on that board (open-collector stages on the board) to +12V. Shouldn't
be hard to check.