Sunday, June 11, 2006, 9:27:08 PM, you wrote:
Huh? Perhaps you mean that the way the board
connects to
the rest of the machine is *through* the cables (i.e. there
is not some other set of connectors on the board that plug
into a "backplane")? So, *normally* the cables plug into the
memory board but, on the last board, the terminator sits
"between" the cables and the board?
It actually does both. The IRIS has a Multibus backplane into which
all boards plugged. In addition to that for some busses ribbon cable
connections are used. So a look into the cardcage of an IRIS shows
some boards hidden by quite a lot of ribbon cables:
As the leftmost board in that picture you see the memory board along
with the terminator installed. The following boards also connected
by the two ribbon cables at the upper left corner are FPU and CPU. The
reason for the termination not being on the memory board itself is
that additional memory is installed by using further boards. The last
one (leftmost) is then terminated as shown.
Just for another view I also upload a picture of a pulled memory board
(with attached terminator):
But the question still stands: Could the OP just take a pair
of the *female* connectors (that plug into the memory board)
and solder some RPAKs onto them, then plug onto the board
(*whichever* board).
Or, would the absence of the *male* connectors (blue in your
pix) render the board useless?
Or, do it the other way around... keep the blue connectors
to mate to the ribbons, solder the RPAKs to those connectors
and omit the "black" connectors?