On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 8:06 PM, Alexandre Souza - Listas
<pu1bzz.listas at gmail.com> wrote:
One advantaeg
of the Nikon system is that the Nikon F lens mount is
essntially unchanged since 1959. YEs, extra features were added. so if
you mount an old lens on a new body you are not going to et autofocus 9or
even automatic exposure ocntrol in some cases), but it wil lfit nad work.
Similarly I could (if I could afford it) by a new lens that work work on
my F or F2 bodies.
So you say I can get a very old nikon, and a brand new one and exchange
lenses (obviously without autofocus, et al)??? :oO VERY nice to know that
Sometimes older Nikon compatible lenses with electronics get more
recent (ie N series on film and D series for digital) cameras
confused. You'll have to put tape over the contacts if that is the
case, and use in manual mode.
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