John Ruschmeyer wrote:
At 10:53 am 3/4/98, you wrote:
At 03:41 AM 3/4/98 -0500, Ward wrote:
The 6300 ran MS-DOS. The 6300+ ran Unix
Are you sure about that? I looked at a 6300+ in a trift store last week
and it ran DOS. Or was it possible to erase the UNIX and install DOS only?
More precisely, it could run either AND both.
I guess I should have mentioned that, I just didn't think of it.
Just like I _could_ cripple this machine I type on and run
Windows 95 (or NT), but Linux does what I want.
To DOS, the 6300+ was more of a fast XT. It had access to extended memory,
but not in the AT-compatible way.
Where it came into its own, however, was running Unix. Part of the Unix
install was something called Simultask. This let you run DOS under Unix,
very nicely.
The closest modern equivalent is Merge under SCO Unix which, I believe, is
descended from SImultask.
Merge is directly descended from Simultask, which is why I
remembered it as DOSMerge (later OSMerge, then Merge) 1.0. When
I first played with it on a customers machine, SCO had just brought
out VP/ix, which at the time (1989-90) was superior. Things changed
during the next couple of years.
Ward Griffiths
Dylan: How many years must some people exist,
before they're allowed to be free?
WDG3rd: If they "must" exist until they're "allowed",
they'll never be free.