This is more-or-less on-topic, I theenk...
I wanna set up a small, dedicated server at home... to do several things,
not the least of which is allow a private gateway so L33T folks can play
with my 11/44 on-line. I also have a weather station whose data I wish to
collect and make available (for the Ham radio SkyWarn group here in NV).
As well.. there are some files to make available for FTP.... I'm
thinking of a Webcam on top of my antenna tower... etc etc.
I intend to buy older computers to do the WX stuff, another for a
dedicated Webcam, and maybe a radio VHF packet and RTTY gateway. All this
would be stitched together via ethernet / cat 5 / etc. I have pretty
decent cable-modem service right now - if they ever get around to pulling
DSL in I'll switch to that... so that would be the 'outside world'
So the question is: cheap used PC with X-GB drives for the server - what
software would be also simple to get up and running w/out needing to go to
a year's worth of school... preferrably something in the Linux world...
what is the minimum platform specs that would run this server software:
proc speed, RAM size - HD space?