Tony wrote...
----- Original Message -----
HP seem to have a bit of a love/hate relationship with
such hacking.
Obviously they can't support it officially, but some information was
released to user groups under the NOMAS (NOt MAnufacturer Supported)
scheme. And there are a lot of clues to interesting stuff left in
manuals, on PCBs, etc if you know where to look...
Is this particular to their (HP's) calculator side? I'm curious, because on
the 2100 & 21MX stuff at least, they give you every last detail you could
possibly want. Full schematics, extremely lowlevel detailed chapters on
theory of operation (on most things, down to the pin/gate level). They even
have cross reference charts that showed thier own custom chip numbers and
what they were schematically.
Maybe it's the timeframe - because later HP manuals on some 1000F systems
are noticeably short on details. For the earlier stuff, HP very very
obviously encouraged end user modifications.
Just curious...
Jay West