I have been searching the web for the past week, looking
for an online copy of the bits for a version (any version)
of the TI 990 "DX-10" operating system.
Anyone know where I might be able to find them?
I'm aware of MESS (
mess.org), which has a 990 simulator.
It looks like a significant piece of work, but they only
create (software-based) hardware emulators. Without the
bits to a version of DX-10, running a virtual 990 is not
quite the experience I had hoped for ....
I'm also aware of
and I've been able to download and run TXDS. It's cool,
but again, it's not really anywhere near what it would be
like to really (ok, virtually-really :-) run DX-10 again.
They aren't at
bitsavers.org either. Some great manuals
(score!) but not the software itself.
Any leads or ideas as to how I might get in touch with
these bits again would be appreciated. I'm open to the
idea of helping to finance or otherwise help in ensuring
that these bits aren't lost forever.
John Sambrook
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