Actually... I was thinking about doing this anyway ;-)
I have a fair amount of HP documentaion, code samples, etc... that could
be used in the KB and would prefer not to completely reinvent the wheel.
If we could legally incorporate some of those works, we'd have a much
more accurate and professional KB.
Does anyone know what HP's position is concerning reproduction of
documentation (circa early 1990's) ? I see some of the earlier stuff
(70's - 80's) on Al's site and assume that HP is OK with reproducing
that stuff. I just don't want to run into problems with newer docs.
QUESTIONS FOR JAY: I have a couple of quetions about implementation. I
can see a subject like HPIB branching into a lot of other areas like a
technical description of the protocol, tutorials, drivers, code
snippets, bus analyzers, instrumentation, GPIB for Linux, etc... I think
those things absolutely should be included in the works. How do we tie
all those things together within the KB? Can you include graphics and
hyperlinks in the KB? Or do we create a web site of HPIB thingy's and
provide links from the KB? How does the author of the KB article
"maintain" the KB?
See ya,
So, who wants to spearhead putting in a short
knowledgebase article about
hooking HP-IB devices, given the recent discussion :>
Jay West