Hi! I've
got a question: has anyone ever heard of a SCSI floppy drive? I
was talking to someone about one, and he said he'd never even heard of one,
and when I thought about it, I hadn't either.
Yes. I'm thinking that the NeXT slabs used 2.88Mb SCSI floppies, but...
Can't think of any other instances at the moment, but I have heard of such
a beast before.
Also some of the older SCSI controllers, I believe the Adaptec 1541B is
one, had floppy drive connectors on them, but I think this was for standard
Sony made SCSI floppies... Pyramid used them on their Unix R3000 multiprocessor
systems for the PCOS console operating system.
The Adaptecs supported standard floppies as well as SCSI devices...