I querry all the sages out there for your recommendations for a romulator and burner set
of tools.
What I would like to have is a emulator tool like a USB device and a set of socket
adapters (DIP and J lead for network cards);
Some command line tools or open source that would let me pipe the result of a comple and
link within a IDE, like eclipse (OK emacs if I must) for the compile debug test cycle;
Then hardware to actually later blow (flash?) some parts, these would be 28 pin dips for
my old z80 fun, and I would like to explore the boot ROM on a network card, so thats why I
ask for a j lead socket adapter.
Somebody brought up the B&C Microsystems guys a few pages back; I knew those guys. I
think I was their largest customer; we bought hundreds of their programmers to ship with
our product, a z-80 industrial terminal for PLCs. It was a build or buy decision; we went
buy, as they gave them to us for $75 or so in volume. We had a few bugs, like buffer
overrun and incorrect handshake over rs232, but they fixed it pretty quick. Nice guys.
While I'm on the embedded topic, has anyone herd of this trick, their calling a
'glitching environment', wherein the fuse protected ROM of a CPU is made
available, by bouncing the supply pin under DAC control and monitoring the bus?
From what I understand, it puts the processor into an
indeterminate state occasionally, and allows you to access the bus of a protected ROM in
the CPU.
Secure microcontrollers are apparently, not that secure.
I was looking into homebuilt spectrum analyzers (I'm KF7CJW) and ran across this hack
from a kiddies texting IM toy, its a GHz tuner, display and processor for >$20
Processor glitching is discussed as part of their JTAG reflash of this toy.
Not that I actually had to come clean by revealing processor glitching as an innocent
discovery on another topic; I've been looking for ways to pick locks most of my life.
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