I've been putting off my response to this message because I was
a little annoyed and didn't want to toss out a flame which
could erupt into another list war. I've calmed down now and
simply want to go over those points which I consider salient,
without writing a flame-bait reply.
From: Sam Ismail <dastar(a)wco.com>
Subject: Re: Is this possible? (Storage) (Off-topic?)
This is hopefully the last public post I'll (have to) make about this
tired topic. I just wish people would have the intelligence to realize
the error of insisting on posting non-relevant material to this
discussion, but it just seems like a lost cause.
On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, J. Maynard Gelinas wrote:
Please stop trying to bully people around
on the list, Sam.
First of all, next time post this message privately where it belongs.
This also goes for any replies to this message (please?)
Sam, since you wrote the first message publicly, I replied in
public. If you're going to post a flame, even a 'Stay on
topic' flame - in public - expect public replies. Let me
simply state that I didn't consider Tim Hotze's message noise,
but respectable signal - especially since he had the courtesy
to note the message as possibly off topic. And hell, the
thread migrated to an interesting on charter discussion
For the last few days you've been
acting like you run the show
again. Please stop. Please treat the list members like the
adults they are, especially long standing members like Tim. Even
Enrico, who I admit has annoyed me as well, deserves better
treatment. You have the option to delete and filter... use it
(see man procmail).
If wanting to preserve this list for what it is rather than have it
descend into a murky pool of nonsense that has nothing to do with what we
joined it for, then yeah, I'm guilty of that. As for treating people like
adults, Tim is 12. Enough said about that. Basically though, if people
who want to be a part of this list will have the courtesy, as adults, to
take care that this discussion stays within its intended bounds, their
courtesy will be returned in kind. That's all. Very simple.
I want to pay special attention to this point. I had _no_
idea Tim is twelve, but honestly, I don't think it matters one
bit. I stand by what I wrote before, be he twelve or of legal
age; he's written more signal than noise on the group and
deserves to be treated as such. Given that the 'other'
current flame war going on is being perpetuated by 'adults' in
the legal sense, I'll take Tims' occasional off topic posts
anyday over that garbage.
And again, let me suggest procmail as a filtering agent. I've
filtered everything out Enrico posts and find it quite
refreshing. If you find the stuff Tim writes that disturbing,
why not just filter it out? It saves us all from reading
those angry 'keep on topic!' posts, and in general limits the
bad feelings all around.
ps - I've tried to write this with diplomacy in mind. If anyone has
something _angry_ to say, please just email me personally. Otherwise,
use your judgement.