On 1/24/06, Lyle Bickley <lbickley at bickleywest.com> wrote:
What's a good free tool for turning scanned
pages into a PDF?
I use "tiffcp" to concatenate individual tiff page scans then use
to create a pdf. Simple - and all opensource software (i.e. "free")
on most Linux and many other *nix systems.
This method resulte in a 1.8mb PDF. The pdf seems to be as useful as the
one derived by the Steve, presumably from the jpg scans. I scanned in a
manual for bitsavers and found that just going with the tif format, fax
compress, etc resulted in an average page size that about 1/4 the size or
less of jpg images.
I scanned in black and white, and that was the thing I liked the least, but
for technical documents which are mostly line drawings and text it is about
the only way to keep an archive at a managable size.
I scanned some pages of other manuals and books I have in black and white
grey scale, and I could easily incorporate them into a pdf with an old copy
of acrobat I have laying around, with a mix of tif and jpgs. Not what
bitsavers prefers, but worked for me on my own documents.
If Steve wants this document email me at jwstephens -at- msm -dot- umr -dot-
edu and I'll email it.