How is anybody going to use the boards if you have
removed chips?
Standard ICs. A 5380, an 80C31, and an EPROM.
Except that, presumably, the EPROM contains firmware that makes the
adapter work. So you can't just go and buy an EPROM and stick it in --
you have to know what to program into it.
Yes, but I always read the EPROMs from everything I have or
come across even if I don't need it, as someone might.
I must say that I find the practice of removing
common, easy-to-get parts
from a classic computer to be very annoying. In many cases (when it's
been done to me), I would have been happy to pay enough extra for the
machine to buy said parts at the new, retail, price. Just to keep the
original parts in the machine.
I usually leave the parts in place, but I have a need for the 5380
ICs to repair another classic, the 80C31 ICs for another, and the
EPROMs are 27C256's, and I'm out of those.
In many cases the only way to repair some classic systems is by
cannibalizing others.
Eric Dittman