I was contacted by a person in charge of liquidating the assets of an old school. They
recently purchesed an old school building for other purposes, and found what they describe
as a large amount of old microcomputers in storage there. They don't want them, and
want to take offers for them. It sounds like they will take a "token donation"
for a system or systems or maybe the whole lot.
All I know at this point is that most of the systems are Commodore Pet, Commodore
superPet, and TRS-80. I'd be suprised if there wasn't a bunch of apples there too,
and lord knows what else. Location is Arizona.
So far, they have asked that I be a single point of contact so they don't get
innundated with calls. If anyone is interested, Please email me asap or they will wind up
on the junk heap.
Most importantly, are any interested list members in AZ (brisbane I think was the city)
and could thus do a look-see, and maybe organize shipping, etc?
Let me know!
Jay West