On Thu, 20 May 2004, John Lawson wrote:
The "Digital at Work" oversized
Starting bid: US $185.00
It's a nice book but c'mon!
I assumed that you were (quite rightly) whining
that eighteen bucks is a tad too much for a
book and had simply mistyped the price. But,
no, to my amazement, you have reported it
correctly. So obviously the seller mistyped
the price twice (since the BIN is $195).
Well, there are two copies presently listed on
abebooks.com - one for
$250 and one for $297 - p'raps the Seller did a little homework first...?
Why is this damn assemblage of dead tree pulp valued so astronomically?
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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