----------------Original message:
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 23:57:59 +0100 (BST)
From: ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell)
Subject: Re: PS/2 Interface (was: Wang 300 Calc]
> When I think about it, the MITS 8800 had connector
punchouts for DB25
> *only* in the back panel. DB25 seemed to be the lingua franca back
> then for hobbyist interfaces. If one had an 8" floppy drive, one ran
> the ribbon cable right through the crack between the back panel and
> the case cover directly to the controller card(s). No DD50s.
I have an S100 amchine called a CASU Super C. It
contains a Cromemco CPU
board, some other stnadard 64K RAM bvoard, a Micromation Doubler disk
controller and CASU-designed boot ROM and seiral interface boards.
The disk drive (a Persci) is in a separate box. The 50
wire interface
cable is split down the middle adn connected to a pair of DB25s...
Cromemco did the same thing with their external 8" IMI hard disks; the Z-2
could have one internal (sacrificing half the slots to make room) but if you
wanted more you got a 2-drive HDD cabinet the same size as the Z-2
connected through 2 DB25s.