I have two working Defender board sets that I'm almost ready to start building
cabinets for. I'm scoping out new power supplies (I have the linear ones they came
with but no giant transformers for it; I've been using PC power supplies but would
like to use something with no moving parts). Does anyone know the approximate rail
requirements for it? They don't seem specced in the drawings/theory of operation
manuals anywhere. An old 230W AT power supply seems to work fine, but I don't think I
need anything that heavy-duty.
I know the 5v is going to pull a lot because it's used for most of the logic, and the
regulated 12v and -5v are probably somewhat heavy since they power the sense amps for the
24 4116s. As far as I can tell, the unregulated 12v is only used to power the audio amp
and the -12v (unregulated) is only used for the negative reference on the audio DAC; am I
missing anything? I haven't measured current draw per rail yet, mostly out of
laziness (and missing a few sizes of .156" plugs).
BTW, the Apple color monitor they sold with the IIgs works great as an arcade monitor in a
much smaller size if you can set the sync polarity correctly. Fortunately, Defender has
solder jumpers for selecting that.
- Dave