Anyone tried this snake oil^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hamazing
Quantum tunnelling eh? No comment :)
FWIW, I am still a big fan of LPS-1, I've used it for years to clean &
restore some of the most inconsolable antique potentiometers & switches. I
would think that a greaseless lubricant of that type would be very happy on
computer connectors..
As for erasers, I'm assuming that red pencil erasers are out due to their
slight abrasive characteristics? what about the 'kneaded' erasers that
chalk / conti artists use? (I'm not talking about Artgum )
Please let me know if this is bad thinking...
PS Thanks to everyone for posting the wealth of MDS background - I now feel
like it was worth my time to drag this behemoth home. Hey, anything with a
bank of switches & lights has got to be OK, right?