Jerome H. Fine [jhfinedp3k at] wrote:
arcarlini at wrote:
[legalize at] wrote:
TECO can edit binary files, IIRC.
Having (many years ago) recovered data from a borked RT-11
filesystem, I can certainly confirm that.
However, I don't understand how you can use TECO to actually
repair an RT-11 filesystem. For that purpose, I can only see
SIPP as being able to
change or repair
I'm pretty sure I didn't say "repair"; I merely recovered data.
I don't recall exactly what went wrong, but essentially I went
in with TECO and found the right blocks for the various source
files I needed, loaded them into TECO and wrote them out
to floppy. Needed some minor tidy up as I recall but that's about all.
I didn't have to recover that much, just a few days worth or changes
since the last backup (after that I backed up twice a day :-)).
Can you describe how you used TECO to recover data
from a
borked RT-11 filesystem (assuming that you did more than just
READ the text contents
of the files
in the same manner that KED would also allow using a
non-file-structured edit
of the whole device)? Otherwise, if you just used TECO to
just READ the
strings, please confirm that as well.
I didn't fix a corrupt system back to a working system. I read
blocks from disk into TECO (as you say, in a non-file structured
mode), somehow found the root directory and worked out where the
files I cared about lived, read each of those and saved them to floppy.
Then either the disk was reformatted or it went back to whoever we
bought it from for a replacement- I just don't remember.
That said, I'm not sure - in principle - why I could not have found
the hosed bits, fixed them and written out new raw blocks (other than
wanting to finish my D.Phil. in finite time, of course :-)).
TECO can certainly read disk block N, and having done that it can surely
mangle that disk block; what I'm not sure of is whether it can then
write that block out to the required disk block.
I if no-one knows for sure, then someone needs to fire up SIMH?
(I do have at least one (micro)PDP-11 handy[*] but on this occasion
I think the whole "read/edit/blast-that-wasn't-quite-right" cycle
is going to be a lot quicker on a virtual system ...).
[*] My current definition of "handy" is: sitting in the garage and
needing time to warm up before powering on since it's been a couple of
months and actually I'll probably have to find where I put that console
lead and I wonder where the OS disks are because it went into the garage
without one.
YDMV, of course :-)