John Honniball wrote:
It's time to clear out some space in the garage...
I have a PDP-11 available to any collector on the list
who'd like to come to Bristol and collect it! According to
the yellowing paper sheet taped to the top, it has:
M8186 KDF11 LSI 11/23 CPU
M8044DB MSV11 Memory 32K
M8029 RXV21 Floppy Disk
M7952 KWV11A Programmable Real Time Clock
M7954 IBV11A Instrument Bus Interface (IEEE-488 I think)
M7941 DRV11 Parallel Line Unit
M8043 DLV11J Four Async serial interfaces
M8047 MXV11 Memory and Async line interfaces
John you make me want to cry, but I also wanted to thank you for posting
the offer. I hope some lucky Brit' (sorry I don't know the proper slang)
takes you up on your offer (I'm in New Jersey :-).
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry ncherry(a) (Text only) (Graphics) (SourceForge)