On Wed, 14 Dec 2011 14:16:17 -0500
Sean Conner <spc at conman.org> wrote:
GenericUbuntuNonRootUserPrompt% sudo vi
(while in vi)
As I said: I could not log in as normal user at all. The machine sat
there and refused _any_ login due to a borken NIS configuration. There
was no way to get into the machine. There wasn't even a way to perform
a clean shutdown. (ACPI powerbutton events didn't work etc.) Power
cycling and booting with "init=/bin/bash" due to the non-existing singe
user mode was the only way out of the deadlock.
Though: It was the machine and the borken NIS configuration of a
colleague. He asked for my help because he didn't know any way out
other then reinstall. (Typical Windows wimp. ;-) I got the problem
fixed within minutes, increaseing my reputation as a Linux Guru.
Hehehe. ;-)