Regarding the thread started by Peter Wallace of Mesa Electronics the
other month - I've been by for one load, and there are still tons of DEC
and HP, and a few RS6k, workstations/servers. Including a rare DECserver
that has a TurboChannel Expansion box. Lots of HP 712 and 715
workstations, a C110, DECstations (MIPS) and VAXstations (derp).
Please note that the vintage calculators shown are spoken for. Sorry.
Mesa has to vacate these offices by the end of the month. They're super
nice people, just trying to avoid anything involving a scrapper. Please
dig up that thread and have another look (sorry, traveling).
Link to some photos I took:
Again, location is Richmond, East SF Bay, California, USA, Earth, Sol
System, Perseus Arm, etc etc. Convenient to highways and spaceports alike!