pdp11 CPU on S100 board?
jim s jws at
Tue May 17 19:50:06 CDT 2011
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I have raised the issue of documentation for the Soviet parts with a
fellow who posted here recently who lives in Moscow. He will help with
getting documenation translated if it can be had.
I passed him three auctions with the parts I believe people here could
bid on and obtain. He also looked for some information and sent it to me.
Hi Jim! Thanks! I appreciate your enthusiasm for the S-100 PDP-11 CPU
board project. I am willing to capture a schematic in KiCAD, layout a PCB,
and get some prototype boards for build and test. At
S100computers.com and
N8VEM home brew computing project we have a substantial library of free/open
source S-100 board designs we could reuse and borrow from to reduce
technical risk. However we are missing an important part of this project --
someone to the design the board!
I know almost nothing about PDP-11 and certainly not enough to design an
S-100 CPU board based on one. Nearly any S-100 CPU board is a significant
design effort even with the mere 8080 which the S-100 supports almost
natively. Were someone to send me a handwritten schematic I could capture
it in KiCAD and send it out for review.
Hopefully the datasheets can be made available or translated. That would be
helpful. Also, a reliable source of the chips would be helpful too.
However, I would like for people to have realistic expectations. This
project won't happen unless an actual designer steps forward. This is a
substantial project and it will require many skilled and able hands.
It would also need someone to write and/or modify an existing free/open
source PDP-11 operating system to use existing S-100 peripherals. I suspect
that is a major task as well for which we have no volunteers. I would like
to see this project happen but it is missing key participants to make it
Thanks and have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch