Now if there was only some software archived for this
thing :). Guess
I'll have to write something really cool to show off the cool display
Oh, but there is. A lot of it is on paper, not electronic, but I did
type in the winning Christmas card program. I've also written some
fractals, and started work on a map projections suite.
I'm not sure how best to get the stuff to you, though. Maybe the best
way is for me to record a tape and post it. (Heavy, though :-( ) I got
my 4052 talking to a Commodore 8050 disk drive, though, so if you can
get hold of one of those, we might be able to exchange stuff on disk.
(Using a 405x with an 8050 is a PAIN. You send all the commands to the
drive to find the file and be ready to load it. You then type OLD at 8 and
what does the machine do? Why, asserts IFC, of course. But there are
ways around this. I wonder if I can find my notes...)
Anyway, let me know if you're interested, and what sort of stuff you'd
like, and I'll see what I can do.