On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 12:05:15AM +0000, Mike Ross
> Hope someone can help... I'd like to buy or trade 3 x BC08J DEC positive
> bus cables... Berg connector one end, single-sided backplane plug card
end......... I'd like to hook my TC08...
Sorry... never even _seen_ those. You could probably make a set from a
prototyping card and some ribbon cable, though.
I have two BC08J spares, but I also have a bunch of Posibus equipment and
two 8/Es (and an 8/a), so I'm not eager to part with them.
I didn't realize these were scarce; I have some (relatively trivial) CAD
drawings for replacement BC08J paddles, if that will help. I think someone
could panelize 4 of them and get the panel done for about $104, or less (per
paddle) if more paddles are desired. If you want gold on the edge
connectors, that will undoubtedly cost more.
The work I am doing on Posibus/Negibus cables for earlier PDP-8s uses a
different paddle, unfortunately (which is more general overall, but has no
40-pin connector). (The BC08J paddles I drew will also do Negibus
compatibly with these paddles, but won't do anything else but
PS The Negibus paddles should arrive here in a few days.