On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Paul Koning <paulkoning at comcast.net>
In any case, the concern some of us have is that the "abandonware" site,
by its definitions, clearly does not appear to care about licenses or
copyright. That should give those of us who DO take care to operate by the
rules -- with proper licenses and all that -- concern, because it makes the
community look like it doesn't care about property right, when in fact a
lot of the community DOES care about these things and only some
disingenuous types ignore the subject.
For the most part, the companies whose software is on the site don't really
seem to care. A few of the sites have been around 10+ years and rarely does
anyone speak up, mostly just Nintendo. I know the guy who runs Winworld and
he's not gotten any DMCA takedown notices on the site contents and to the
best of my knowledge neither has BetaArchive who also has a fairly large