On Sat, 2006-12-02 at 18:15 +0100, Tore Sinding Bekkedal wrote:
The machine was used at NTH, now NTNU, and successor
to this machine, an 1100/*mumble*, was actually
dumped to sea, for some environmental reason(!).
A very exciting project, Project Scalar. They are attempting to
teach high technology to fish. Currently, the state of technology is
very poor. Most of their computers use Albacore memory, and communicate
via Cisco routers. Most of the Cod they use has been cobbled together,
by Cobblers and Four-eyes, naturally, and is generally considered to be
Crappie, if not a Croaker, and compliance checked by Gibberfish sporting
Mullets. Currently, very few Skilfish are programming, and nobody uses
Turbot mode. Recent equal rights legislation has ensured that at least
portions of major releases are written by Damselfish, Mollies, Oldwifes,
Ladyfish, and the much more common Ragfish and Hagfish. The use of
Queen Danio is still being debated. Separate (but equal) codicils
ensure that Jewfish, Spadefish, Spookfish, Blackfish, Spanish Mackerel,
Ricefish, and Oriental Loaches are involved, as well.
One of the few areas of the technology industry on a par with
land-based companies is marketing. Just as on land, marketing
underwater is handled by a consortium of Wormfish, Cutthroat Trout,
Clownfish, Longnose Suckers, Loosejaws, Poachers, Ratfish, Turkeyfish,
Roaches, and everybody's favorite, the "after hours" crew, consisting of
Smoothtongues, Tonguefish, Swallowers, and Chubsuckers.
Upper management of the companies I have seen is exclusively
composed of Weasel Sharks, and I am told this is industry-wide.
Southern North American operations have been turned over to a contingent
of Carpetsharks.
Publicity is mostly word of Slipmouth, with Web work done by an
avant garde crew of Hairyfish, Beardfish, and Flabby Whalefish. The
advertisements are musical viral videos, and done with good taste, with
a variety of Seattle's Grunion rock Bandfish, and other music. Carp
Cobia, lead singer for Nurse Shark, is performing the hit "Smelt like
Teen Splitfin." Additionally, Pearl Danio Jam is performing "Not for
Unicornfish." And everyone's favorite Viperfish will sing a re-mixed
version of "Like a Sturgeon." Never before have so many Guitarfish, Sea
Bass, Leatherjackets, Groupers, and Rock Beauties been hanging around a
tech company. Of course, they turned several of the programmers into
Pufferfish and Stonefish, but it was worth it.
On a more classic note, through impressive contract arrangements and
digital reconstruction, the late Velvetfish fog himself will sing a
little American Sole with "Bluegill and Sedimental," singing both the
melody and harmony. Word is, Moorish Idol is talking contract. To top
it off, Devario Marlin performs his unforgettable "That's a Moray." The
last few seconds are, just for the halibut, software king Billfish,
singing "Knife the Mac."
Warren E. Wolfe
wizard at