Quoting Gordon JC Pearce <gordon at gjcp.net>:
I saw a TV programme about this a couple of years ago
- seems that
someone investigating the Hindenburg explosion had turned up a book of
fabric samples painted with various dopes and exposed to large electric
Most had small holes from about the size of a pin prick up to ones
resembling a fag burn in a car seat. Then they turned to the page with
the fabric and dope used on the Hindenburg - it was almost completely
burnt away! I don't speak (or read) much German but I can recognise
text that says "DO NOT USE THIS STUFF WHATEVER ELSE YOU DO!", but it
seems that they *did* use it...
Mythbusters did the hindenburg experiment on one of their shows last season (i
think it was) and they did get some thermite reaction from the standard mix, but
to get a full reaction they had to paint the model of the 'berg with a mix that
had so much aluminum in it that the 'burg wouldn't have been able to get off the