Can anyone ID a Digital PC based on this Model?
I *think* it's really a Venturis 5100 but I can't seem to get
anything anywhere to find anything on the model number
quoted. The owner is trying to get some ram for it, if it's a
5100 then it looks to be common or garden 16mb 72pin non parity.
Anyone able to confirm?
I'm reasonably sure you have a Venturis 5100 (five not ess).
Amazingly, the old PC stuff still inhabits part of the
HP website!
Worth grabbing them all while you are there - the parts list was
small so I looked and it does list the SIMMs but does not
explicitly state whether they are ECC or not etc. The service
manual may be more informative. I have an old Celebris in
use here (same sort of era - or at least decade) as the
Venturis and I've certainly dropped standard non-dec memory
into that with no issues. Maybe I was lucky and had the BIOS
set right?
Antonio Carlini arcarlini(a)