I have a HP 9000/300 68000 with an extra processor card.
I was surprised when I pulled the processor card from the machine and
discovered a 68030 CPU.
I was shocked I didn't remember that card.
Looking for software, I checked bitsavers, but only located a Pascal
The best site IMHO for old HP desktop machines is the Australian HP
Museum site,
http://wwww.hpmusuem.net/ I have no idea what software is
avaialbel there, but I would think you'd find pascal and BASIC at least.
Does this machine have any interesting (O/S) software
freely available?
Are their any list members playing with this machine?
Alas it's too modern for me. The HP9000/200 machines are interesting to
me, but the 300 series have far too many custom ICs in them. Although
there are data sheets for a couple of them on bitsavers.
Is it possible to boot from the GPIB?
Should be. You need an HP disk unit, I would guess CS/80 or SS/80.
Finding one of those is something of a problem now. They do turn up on
E-bay, but often seen to have ridiculous prices.
I'm behind a dial-up wall and I was hoping to save
some bandwidth before
downloading the manuals.
I don;t know where you are, but when I have this sort of problem I spend
an hourt or two in a local internet cafe....