With SGI, you're dealing with a (barely? :-) still
existent company.
Yes, I know. I hope they do not go away. And the damn weenies want to go
with Merced...
You're supposed to buy IRIX, not copy it. On the
other hand, is
there any evidence that an IRIX license was transferred to you
as part of the deal on this machine? Buying a second SGI box that
comes with a license will be cheaper than buying it from SGI. :-)
Well, I am hoping that eventually SGI becomes nice and lets individual
hackers like me play with IRIX, like DEC or Sun has with their OSes.
Ask the experts on news at comp.sys.sgi.*.
I tried to get a very old version of IRIX for my Motorola based IRIS
2500T, and was blasted by the "cops" on the group. These people need to
get real - who the even runs IRIX v2.0 anymore?!
William Donzelli