Dave R from UWM (Milwaukee) asked me if I knew how to read his old 9-track
tapes. I told him one of the best places to ask was here. So I'm asking.
Al, this is tall Dave I'm talking about.
He doesn't have a drive, working or not, and I have no clues about what
format it is. I'm in the process of asking.
Any ideas?
[Authors] "90% of everything is crap" --T. Sturgeon "111% of crap is
everything" --L. Wall
--... ...-- -.. . -. ----. --.- --.- -...
tpeters at
nospam.mixcom.com (remove "nospam") N9QQB (amateur radio)
"HEY YOU" (loud shouting) WEB ADDRESS http//www.mixweb.com/tpeters
43? 7' 17.2" N by 88? 6' 28.9" W, Elevation 815', Grid Square
WAN/LAN/Telcom Analyst, Tech Writer, MCP, CCNA, Registered Linux User 385531