The same things? Doubtful. How fancy a GUI does your SPARCstation run compared to your
more modern PPC?
From: Dave McGuire <mcguire at>
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at>
Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 4:46:33 PM
Subject: Re: Algol vs Fortran was RE: VHDL vs Verilog
Feelings? No, experience. Big difference. Experience with and knowledge of the past.
There is NO RATIONAL REASON why a GUI-based OS should need more than a billion bytes of
memory and a billion-plus clock cycles per second just to boot. You and I (and many
others on this list) have plenty of examples of machines that do the same thing with a
tiny fraction of those resources.
Windows, OS X, and Linux (but only with Gnome or KDE) are fat, bloated, slow, lumbering
pigs, and it's due to sloppy programming and misapplication of tools. That is my
assertion. My proof is that I use my dual 1.8GHz PPC with 4GB of RAM for the EXACT SAME
STUFF every day that I used my 40MHz SPARC with 32MB of RAM to do every day, and I bump up
against the performance limitations of both to essentially the same degree.