On Thursday 13 September 2007, J Blaser wrote:
Lastly, be cautious around the head actuator.
The heads and the
spindle (plate) are carefully aligned, and I wouldn't remove or
adjust either of these. Unless, that is, you have the printsets and
proper tools (which I don't).
Actually, the RL02/RL01 is an embedded servo drive, so "head alignment"
generally isn't critical, at least like it is with the RK0n drives.
There is no 'alignment' between the heads and any other part of the drive
(e.g . the spindle), but there is an adjustment between the 2 heads.
I think it's possible (although quite difficult...) to get the 2 heads so
far out of alignement with each other than they lock to different
cylinders when you switch sides (the head will lock to the nearest odd or
even cylinder demending on whether it should be on an odd or even one).
There is alos an alignment procedure in the service manual, but that's to
reduce access time when switching sides (if the heads are out of relative
alignemt, the head carriage has to move further when you switch sides, so
it takes longer for the drive to become ready after such a switch). It's
quite easy to do, you don't need a special alignment pack, just any RL02
pack, a reasonable 'scope, and a few clip leads.