<> > A display case shows the progression of storage disks, starting wit
<> > one from 1965 that's the size of a tractor-trailer tire. It held 2.
<> > megabytes of data and had to be sandblasted to be erased.
<> > Had to be sandblasted to be erased? Huh??
<> We've seen that particular bit of silliness before. Once an authoritativ
<> statement of wrong information is made, others will follow, and if/when
<> challenged merely refer to the authority.
<I assumed that by "particular bit of silliness" you meant "the
'erased by
<sandblasting' idea" but after a little thought, I realized that maybe you
<just meant "the spreading of a patently false statement".
Let us assume this was likely a military system where media destruction
is commonplace. In that case sandblasting would certainly render it
unreadable, permanently!
Then again it may just be shear sillyness passed along.