On 3 February 2012 19:58, Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
What ?about a prestel set? I remember hearign about
Prestel in 1977,
althohgh I doubt terminals were commonly available at that point. Prestel
terminals were colour, but only supportyed block graphics (6 pixels per
character cell), so you might not class them as graphics terminals.
According to a book in front of me, the teletext standard, was
ratified in January 1974. This had provision for colour and graphics.
(The IBA test transmissions in 1973 were 22 lines x 40 characters,
capitals and numerals only - the BBC were working on 24x32.) Prestel
was developed a bit later, so adopted the same format as it was
intended to be built into TV sets in the same manner, although
dedicated terminals did appear later.