Hi! Steve and
Sean generously released BYOZ80C to allow online publishing.
I very much enjoyed his book and commend him for both writing it in the
first place and also releasing it so as to help keep the home brew
tradition alive.
http://www.scribd.com/doc/13388965/Build-Your-Own-Z80-Computer Also a most useless
site. Despite all claims of down loadable document
it plain doesnt do it.
Sites like this have a habit of disappearing and
taking the content with it. Far too much stuff has gone lost over the
There is the build your own z80 computer on that same link I posted
before with the Circuit Cellar books. Seems the guy is specialized in Steve
BTW I'm very inclined in buying the entire magazine collection in CD. It
is not that expensive when you think how much knowledge is stored on that 13